[This post written weeell after, indeed on 22nd September, so it will be mostly pictures and some fill-in wurble.]
Up early again to watch the sunrise, this time bringing E, but D is resolutely still in bed. Like yesterday, a low bank of cloud out to see means we don't actually see the sunrise, but its still lovely. E and I go for a wade, then I swim all the way out (and just beyond) the marking buoys.
The days main activity is to Lluc monastery, which is here.
Oh yes, but before anything else we had to pack up. When M booked this hol, she left the Saturday night free - we'd originally thought it might be fun to stop somewhere else the last night. But now it comes to it, we're fairly happy here. But we need to move to a new appt, and so we do. At least it means we're fairly packed for the morrow.

Ah, and now I remember (thank heaven for photographs) first we went to Alcudia which had been sort-of-on-the-way to several places (and I'd run through it) but we hadn't stopped. It doesn't have anything terribly to-see (some roman stuff we didn't go and look at) but is a fairly pleasant place for cafes and to wander around.
That one gives you some idea of the white heat. Compare to a more balanced view of the same scene (or another. Yes, I did rather like the image of the chap sitting quietly outside his house in the street). The old stone windows were good, but there weren't many of them.

Street corner with flowers, found when I went for a little walk.

We played a lot of Knock-out Whist (running scores on the right; in the end, I won (was lowest, since we gave points according to which round you were knocked out in) and Risk (some of our amended rules to the left).

Lluc monastery: view from the little hill above and behind the monastery, looking away from it (north). Its hot and its dry, but greener than I'd have guessed.
When we got there we had a coffee in the coffee-shop-in-the-main-square, so to speak. That was OK-to-good, and I had a nice meat pastry, too.

Lluc monastery, view from above.

Lluc monastery, face of the "cathedral", with M and E. Ave Maria indeed.

Lluc monastery, interior. They're pretty keen on Mary, you know.

Lunch in the restaurant inside. Again, good: D and M had some kind of you-need-to-order-for-two spicy rice soup (arros brut). In the old high-ceilinged refectory, nice and cool after the heat of outside. Only problem was some wasps then bees getting in, and freaking E out poor thing. I must have killed at least 5 of them.

There is a "treasury" which we looked around. Its quite big. The place has been around for a while, after all. But after a while I realised that, well, it was mostly just stuff. Here is a picture celebrating some miracle - the saint (Black Madonna?) saving someone from something.

Coming south from Lluc, possibly around here - just coming out of the hills, but still in the hairpins. Again, surprisingly green, but hot-n-piney: view through the trees to the olive terraces opposite. I came to feel that it was, indeed, a lovely island but unfortunate in its visitors.
The days main activity is to Lluc monastery, which is here.
Oh yes, but before anything else we had to pack up. When M booked this hol, she left the Saturday night free - we'd originally thought it might be fun to stop somewhere else the last night. But now it comes to it, we're fairly happy here. But we need to move to a new appt, and so we do. At least it means we're fairly packed for the morrow.

Ah, and now I remember (thank heaven for photographs) first we went to Alcudia which had been sort-of-on-the-way to several places (and I'd run through it) but we hadn't stopped. It doesn't have anything terribly to-see (some roman stuff we didn't go and look at) but is a fairly pleasant place for cafes and to wander around.
That one gives you some idea of the white heat. Compare to a more balanced view of the same scene (or another. Yes, I did rather like the image of the chap sitting quietly outside his house in the street). The old stone windows were good, but there weren't many of them.

Street corner with flowers, found when I went for a little walk.

We played a lot of Knock-out Whist (running scores on the right; in the end, I won (was lowest, since we gave points according to which round you were knocked out in) and Risk (some of our amended rules to the left).

Lluc monastery: view from the little hill above and behind the monastery, looking away from it (north). Its hot and its dry, but greener than I'd have guessed.
When we got there we had a coffee in the coffee-shop-in-the-main-square, so to speak. That was OK-to-good, and I had a nice meat pastry, too.

Lluc monastery, view from above.

Lluc monastery, face of the "cathedral", with M and E. Ave Maria indeed.

Lluc monastery, interior. They're pretty keen on Mary, you know.

Lunch in the restaurant inside. Again, good: D and M had some kind of you-need-to-order-for-two spicy rice soup (arros brut). In the old high-ceilinged refectory, nice and cool after the heat of outside. Only problem was some wasps then bees getting in, and freaking E out poor thing. I must have killed at least 5 of them.

There is a "treasury" which we looked around. Its quite big. The place has been around for a while, after all. But after a while I realised that, well, it was mostly just stuff. Here is a picture celebrating some miracle - the saint (Black Madonna?) saving someone from something.

Coming south from Lluc, possibly around here - just coming out of the hills, but still in the hairpins. Again, surprisingly green, but hot-n-piney: view through the trees to the olive terraces opposite. I came to feel that it was, indeed, a lovely island but unfortunate in its visitors.