Saturday 30 April 2011

Head of the Cam, 2011, pictures

The 2011 Head of the Cam, run by Chesteron rowing club, was on April 30th. Full results are available. Briefly, Mens winners were Caius in 8:28; Womens were Downing in 10:00.

This post is to point you towards the stills I took of the event, which are hosted at flickr. See the collection Head of the Cam 2011 (current status: all done).

* Division 1: set 1 (boats to 109); set 2 (boats 110-125); set 3 (boats 125-138); set 4 (boats 137 on) [Hmm, those numbers aren't monotonic. Overtaking or starting out of order, who knows?] * Division 2: set 2 (boats 201-216); set 2 (boats 216 onwards) * Division 3: set 1 (boats to 316); set 2 (boats 315-333); set 3 (boats 334 onwards)

Also, there will be video available at spannerspotter in due course.

Now the begging bit. You may use the photos freely for personal use, blogging, etc. Please provide a credit to me, in the form of a link back to this post (also, if you put them online, I'd be interested to know where. Perhaps drop me a mail (wmconnolley(at); or put a comment to this blog posting). Also, please consider donating to club funds via the paypal "donate" button below. You may give whatever you feel the pictures are worth :-) but something like £1 would be sufficient.

[Ahem: that is the updated link, if anyone tried and failed to donate before]

Note: whatever the paypal link says, the funds will go to the club, not me personally. Should you actually wish to purchase the copyright to the photograph, that will cost a little more. Please email wmconnolley(at)

Other pix of possible interest

Since you're here, let me try to interest you in...

* Head of the Cam, 2009 * Head of the Cam, 2010 * Christmas Head, 2010

Thursday 21 April 2011

Easter at Annie's

Over the Easter holidays we went up to Annie's. Well, I took the children; M stayed to work. I've forgotten exactly when it was, because I'm writing this up at the end of May. But I can look at the pix, and my garmin tracks, to find out, how convenient. It looks like the answer was the 17-21st, or thereabouts. We drove up on the Sunday evening, arriving (as I now recall) at about 11, having taken about 5:30, which is a good time. I now know the way and don't need maps.

When we got there all seemed as ever, except Floss quietened down very quickly after we arrived, and Annie was worried about her - she had suddenly got ill, very tired, pissing blood, and the vet diagnosed kidney problems, likely fatal. This cast a bit of a shadow over the whole week - Annie loves her dogs, though having had quite a few over the years isn't too sentimental over their ultimate fate. In fact Floss got a bit better while we were there, but was mostly immobile on her mat - getting better amounted to being interested in eating and drinking.

Monday we didn't do much by popular request, I think we played Carcassonne, and I went running for 10k. It is only a week after the Brighton marathon, so I'm entitled to be not back to form, and anyway there were all these weird hill things in the way.

On tuesday Annie was kind enough to say "why don't you go out and do a big walk" and so we looked at a few maps and I decided on Helvellyn, Striding edge, which I haven't done before. And it is dead famous, so I was keen to go. And a useful test of my new-found fitness. After staring at roads and stuff, we decided (more kindness from Annie) that she could drop me off on the wast side - Glenridding, in Patterdale. We had a lunch in the local (Best Western) hotel because we'd just missed the lake steamer deadline, and after that they went down for a lake trip and I walked over the road and started up the hill. A lovely day for it, just on this side of not-too-hot, and a good walk. By Red Tarn I was happy to have a little rest ijn such a lovely spot, then pressed on to the top, since I was supposed to be on the far side in 3 hours I think but actually it took me 3:40 - I was a touch slow coming down, due to ending up with two rubbed raw little toes: memo to self: take thicker socks next time.

DSCN1875-d-on- Wednesday was slow too - we had lunch together, then Annie went off to work at the Big House by the lake where she tour-guides, and we went off to climb - Shepherds crag, Jackdaw ridge, or at least the first pitch. Before that we had coffee (well I did, the kids had whatever) at High Lodore farm, which is a wonderful place for a sit in the sun. I'd forgotten how hard it is to climb with kids and only one adult - no luxury of M to belay (so D did, and I had to be very sure not to fall off) or anyone to look after the knots on their harnesses. But, it all worked - and there is a good tree to ab off, though I admit to some nervousness about it, especially after Alderly Edge. D did more - E was in one of her not-really-happy-to-abseil moods, so didn't do too much. But she did take lots of pix while D was climbing. And after that, we had more coffee.

DSC_6072-chapel-allonby Thursday was another slow day. The previous evening, while I'd been sitting out having coffee in the sun (the kids had the TV on of course, that is one of the attractions of being at Annie's, and I prefer to not be in the room if possible) when the paperboy (after exclaiming over my kindle) told me I had an "egg" in my tire. And so, on closer inspection, I did - a distinct outwards bulge. So Annie recommneded the garage by the supermarket in Cockermouth as likely-honest, so off I went, and they fixed it (sweet-talking me into saving money by using some not-a-known-but-ust-as-good-honest-guv tires, since they didn't have the Michellins in stock) while I wandered round Cockermouth. Which doesn't, to the unthinking eye, show any great signs of the huge floods of yesteryear. After that I was free and so went for a stroll by the seaside, just walking up and then down the beach, thinking whatever thoughts I thought.

And then, it was time to drive home, so I did, not forgetting the children, but forgetting the maps Annie had learnt me, and which I've only just got round to posting back again. Over the next weekend we went to Mothers.

That is the story of the trip in terms of events. I should try to tell it in terms of thoughts and feelings and stuff too. But it is more than a month past. I remember it as pleasantly quiet and relaxed. It is nice to be somewhere else, where I'm not expected to do anything, and the kids can relax, and I can play with them a bit but not too much. In the evening I'd talk with Annie a bit - or she would watch TV - and we'd worry about Floss.


* Flickr set * Helvellyn post on Stoat

Tuesday 12 April 2011