Saturday 1 January 2011

End of year review: share portfolio

This is a wishy-washy look at a portion of my "share portfolio" as I might grandly call it. Obvious disclaimer: none of this amounts to financial advice, if you're dumb enough to take any of this as advice then you're responsible for any joy of doom you encounter. I say " a portion" because I'm omitting the boring stocks that didn't change in value much. And of course I'm not telling you how much I have of each.

Because I can't be bothered to track down the exact dates, the numbers quoted are % changes since I acquired them, not over the year, which would have been more interesting. At some point - perhaps next year - I really ought to do a value-weighted index, which would be far more interesting.

General comment: shares is up, by about 20%. I think that largely reflects the general rise in the market since the Dark Days of late 2008, rather than clever stock picking on my part. I asked for and received The Intelligent Investor for Christmas, so who knows where I'll be in a year.


* 3i Group Plc +79.61
* Aberdeen Emerging Markets +123.25 (emerging markets are good right now)
* Advanced Medical Solutions Group plc: +87.06 (a vague feeling that I should have more exposure to healthcare, since there is clearly dosh to be made from the unwell)
* BP Plc: +27.78 (see blog)
* Barclays plc: +72.86 (an intelligent acquisition during the depths of the crisis, when it became clear that they would not need govt bail-out money. In clear contrast to Lloyds Banking Group plc, -10.65, bought later, for stupid reasons: Barclays had already gone up so I didn't want to buy more. OTOH Lloyds Banking Group plc (9.75% Non-Cum Irrd Pref Shares) are +24.03)
* CSR Plc: +38.86 (not exciting as a percentage; but I work for them. Also a little while later the price zipped up; see for example here)
* Focus Solutions Group: +256.08 (can't remember why I bought these, a whim I think, but certainly a lucky guess)
* Greenko Group Plc: +132.83 (who are these people? And why did I buy them? I don't know: just luck)
* Invesco Perpetual Monthly Income Plus Accumulation Units: +55.76 (an attempt at a more sensible and safe investment, that worked)
* Stanley Gibbons Group plc +61.85 (a bit random. My father collected stamps and might have been pleased)


* Gas Turbine Efficiency -73.79 (one of several "green" investments that didn't pan out)
* Hansen Transmissions International NV -60.58 (and another)
* Iofina -70.73 (random punt that didn't come off)
* PV Crystalox Solar Plc -51.78 (another green turkey :-()
* Renewable Energy Holdings -58.64 (yet another)

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