Friday 1 January 2016

Blood pressure

(don't miss the exciting follow-up: blood pressure 2017).

M+J have a monitor, so we played with it. I got:

* 116 / 82; 65 (before a run)
* 133 / 84; 91 (soon after a 10k run)

Then, hours later, in quick succession:

* 108 / 71; 61
* 112 / 74; 62
* 116 / 75; 60
* 115 / 73; 60

Various articles say that above 120 / 80 is "pre high presssure"; but they also say it varies, and you need to average several readings.

So, interesting, and perhaps a little higher than I might like, but to monitor not to worry about.

Update: 2016 / 03 / 12: 6 k run at 17:30 for 30 mins. Then:

* 18:30: 120 / 78
* 20:30: 114 / 74
* 20:45: 107 / 66
* 21:30: 107 / 67
* 20:05: 122 / 74

Oh, and Miranda: 21:30: 127 / 69.

2016 / 03 / 13:

* 125 / 78 (10:45)
* (12 k run, slow)
* 125 / 74 (12:15)
* 116 / 73
* 116 / 69
* 115 / 71
* 104 / 66

2016/12/24 12:55 am, having done nothing in particular:

* 122 / 78 (50)
* 114 / 79 (50)
* 110 / 76 (50)
* 119 / 76 (51)

FWIW, since I looked it up, things like tell me that under 120, and under 80, is "ideal"; 120-140 and 80-90 is "pre-high". So I'm on the edge between "ideal" and "pre high".

After lunch (14:30):

* 116 / 74 (52)
* 118 / 70 (54)
* 121 / 72 (61)

Miranda (before lunch):

* 104 / 69 (65)
* 110 / 59 (76)
* 89 / 58 (79)

Miriam (after lunch):

* 114 / 70 (67)
* 112 / 69 (58)
* 113 / 71 (61)


* 117 / 75 (84)
* 120 / 70 (71)

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