Friday, 10 February 2023

Book review: the Million Year Hunt

1676059414060-fb2432eb-d743-4d84-bcec-f188b7bf8b45_ Another low-quality piece of antique trash following The Martian Missile. I do rather wonder why I read this stuff; then I turn on the radio and listen to the drivel that passes for analysis on the supposed high-quality Radio Four news and I feel justified.

An orphan grows up on an out-of-the-way world; he simultaneously loses his Young Love to a bizarre and implausible Agent of Stasis and finds himself on a strange planet and aquires an Alien Symbiont about which he has no troubling qualms whatsoever. Eventually all is resolved, and he gets a hotter version of his dead lover and he turns out to be the heir of, not exactly empire, but of civilisation, and genetic something. Don't trouble yourself too much about the details.

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