Rumour says that Jenny has Roland's genealogical tracing; I should find that sometime,
Marjorie and Annie
We begin with mother and Annie, or Pat(ricia).
Lucy Farley
Holding Beaumont (my Grandfather). Gladys (his sister, not my grandmother) and Edward in the pram. 1907/08.
Farley children
In the pram, my grandfather. R, his sister Gladys and L his brother Edward. Circa 1907.
Frampton family
Standing back (R to L): Jack, Frank, Douglas, Alice. Jane (seated) holding Barbara. Cecil.

George Farley
Died sometime 1930s. Had a shop in Croyden.
Gertrude Frampton
Mother's grandmother.
A fragment (see email from Mother, fwd from elsehwere): ...the background of Lucy Beaumont - your grandmother. I did find some stuff. I know she was born in Badingham Suffolk, and that after she left home her father ended up as a licensed victualler and shopkeeper at the Gladstone Arms Combs Ford near Stowmarket. It's still there - see where your great grandfather William George Beaumont is listed, and the link below for the current streetview picture. (Interestingly its 'sister pub' the Dove Street Inn in Ipswich is apparently run by a Beaumont, which may be relevant). However Lucy herself seem to have been in service, then somehow met George Edward Farley and had a family. There were family rumours about her being a suffragette and chaining herself to the railings somewhere. But generally apart from birth/marriage/death records, and the odd old photo I can't find much about her.