It was the usual pleasant time; I won't analyse it in any detail, just pull out some pix. The full set is here.
The children around the tree. Mother's tree in the front garden.
Christmas day meal was as ever. The bringing of the pudding. Mother in state. The Rulez. My morning half in just under 2 hours, alone this time.
Boxing Day to RNLT for lunch then a walk around the mystical Five Standing Stones of MuW. Photo by M (proof she came). It was all too much for some.
On the Saturday we went home we were going to Parkrun but it was closed-for-mud. So we did our own. Finish order: D, Toby <gap>, me, Lara <gap>, Rob, Miranda. Nina went over the fields with the dogs.
Our faithful cat was waiting at home to greet us.
DE and I walked to Ely and the cathedral on a cold frosty but lovely day that was so cold people were skating. E and I didn't find time for the Backs because she is a busy little thing, but I did scull.
For New Year's Eve to Mfd+J. And in the end, Mfd+J finished the puzzle. Indeed, the Ely walk was after NYD, but I think the puzzle makes a nicer last pic.